Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Filthy Nazis

Painting the Germans today. I originally did some of the vehicles way back in '09 when I first got my AA42 game but I wasn't very good at it at the time. Not to say I'm VERY good now but I'm quite a bit better. I also have a shit tonne more units now as this picture shows. (And these aren't even all of them)

I wish I thought out the bases a little better though as if I did I'd have painted them white first and then gone around the edges with the red. What I did was paint the base red then attempt to paint the big white cross. This did not turn out well as the white just bled the red and the crosses were a pain to do as every mistake I made caused me to make the cross bigger. so after doing two crosses I decided to just make big white circles instead, kind of like a negative of the Japanese flag. After they dry I'll go around the edges with the red paint and form a cross. When that is dry I'll make the black cross and the infantry will be finished.

Here's what they look like so far:

My original German planes and tanks look kind of junky so I'll be re-doing them as I have time during the week like I did with the ANZAC's. Two days at two hours per day should be enough but I hope to have them done by Sunday at least for the game. Here are the completed ANZAC's:

Hope to get in a good game of Classic this Sunday and have to inform Ray that we need to play at his place a a heavy rainfall and melting snow have soaked the garage floor here.

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